Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Harvard Law School: Alzheimer's Disease Planning How An Elder ...

Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can be devastating, for both the individual afflicted with the illness, as well as their family members. While the symptoms may be minimal in the beginning, as the later stages of the disease begin to take over, caring for oneself becomes progressively more difficult. That's why it's so important to begin planning immediately upon diagnosis. With so many pieces of information being thrown your way from doctors and well-meaning family members, those early months can be exhausting and overwhelming. The good news is that there are a number of reputable attorneys specializing in elder law who can help ease the worry and mental strain through extensive Alzheimer's disease planning. By planning ahead, you can avoid unnecessary disputes that may eventually need to be resolved by a litigation attorney.Don't Wait To Begin Planning!Even more important than simply seeking the assistance of an elder law attorney, is doing so as early as possible! Families are often amazed by the intricacies of long-term care planning and the financial and emotional roller coaster that often ensues.

The sooner you sit down with all parties involved and hash out all of the details, the easier it will be on everyone in the long run. With the natural progression of this disease, the afflicted individual will gradually lose his ability to make sound decisions, financial or otherwise. If you wait too long to make arrangements for your long-term care and finances, it can evolve into a painful situation that may only be resolved by litigation attorneys. It may be difficult to think about these issues so early on in the process, but it definitely pays to be proactive.How Can An Elder Law Attorney Help?When searching for the right person to assist with Alzheimer's disease preparation, it's very important to find an attorney with extensive experience in elder law. Accepting the path this ailment will take you down can be difficult, so you will need the support and knowledge of someone who has helped countless people get through the same situation. The following are just a few of the legal issues that may need to be considered:? Power Of Attorney: This specifies the person who is empowered to make decisions on behalf of an individual, should they become unable to do so themselves. It is possible to name separate powers of attorney for healthcare and financial decisions.? Long-Term Care Preparation: Plans will need to be made regarding the individual's plan of care once the disease enters its more debilitating stages. An elder law specialist can advise and help develop an appropriate long-term care plan that encompasses all relevant legal and financial issues.? Estate Planning: Drafting a will or trust, and fully addressing the individual's unique long-term plans, is crucial to properly preparing for the effects of Alzheimer's disease.While it will undoubtedly be hard to face these legal issues now, it is well worth the effort to be completely prepared for what the future may hold. With the support of family, friends, and an experienced elder law attorney, this transitional period of life will unfold as smoothly as possible.

Source: http://miianjoulublogi.blogspot.com/2012/09/alzheimers-disease-planning-how-elder.html

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