Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tim Pawlenty's Toilet Humor Tendency (The Atlantic Wire)

As campaign trail barbs go this election cycle, Tim Pawlenty's remarks at a gathering of local Republicans in Humboldt, Iowa, were pretty tame. According to ABC News's Matthew Jaffe, the candidate took a shot at the incumbent by "reprising one of his favorite comparisons for the president by likening him to 'a manure spreader in a windstorm.'" It wasn't the first time he used that colorful phrase. Back in July he told another crowd in Iowa,?"Anyone can stand up here and flap their jaw and give a speech.?We've had Obama with all his soaring rhetoric, with all this nonsense, he's like a manure spreader in a windstorm. It stinks. It's flying all over the place and it's not pretty."?In May, in Des Moines, he told yet another crowd the White House "should be focused like a laser on jobs, not acting like a manure spreader in a windstorm." Pawlenty seems to like the line so much he's been using it for at least?two?years.

Related: A Guide to Properly Insulting the 2012 GOP Candidates

But it's not just Pawlenty's recycled manure zinger that tends towards the?scatological. As careful obervers of presidential candidate rhetoric, we've noticed that stool frequently stands out.?Behold, an abbreviated history (alas, we could not find his writings from junior high school) of Pawlenty's penchant for toilet humor:

"As I put the little bag over my hand and bent down to pick up her poop, I thought to myself, Well, this is the only number two I'll be picking up today."?
"I think what happens now is that the intelligence folks come in and brief him in the morning, and he's probably looking for a pair of Depends."
"If that 5 percent becomes 4, 3, 2 or 1 percent, we're in?deep doo-doo."
"I wish I could wave a magic wand and legislate good parents... If you don't graduate from high school ... you're in deep doo-doo in this economy."


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